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1.    Midtgaard KS, Nolte PC, Miles JW et al. Biomechanical significance of the collateral ligaments in transolecranon fracture-dislocations. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.
Accepted for publication
2.    Midtgaard KS, Nolte PC, Miles JW et al. Pullout Strength of All-Suture and Metallic Anchors in Repair of Lateral Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Elbow. Arthroscopy. Submitted
3.    Midtgaard KS, Hallgren HB, FrÃ¥nlund K et al. An intact lacertus fibrosus improves strength after reinsertion of the distal biceps tendon. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019
4.    Midtgaard KS, Søreide E, Brattgjerd JE, Moatshe G, Madsen JE, Flugsrud GB. Biomechanical comparison of tension band wiring and plate fixation with locking screws in transverse olecranon fractures. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020;29:1242-1248.
5.    Midtgaard KS, Ruzbarsky JJ, Hackett TR, Viola RW. Elbow Fractures. Clin Sports Med. 2020;39:623-636.
6.    Nolte PC, Midtgaard KS, Miles JW, Tanghe KK, MT P. The Effect of Buttress Plating on Biomechanical Stability of Coronal Shear Fractures of the Capitellum: A Cadaveric Study. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.
7.    Rosenlund AM, Søreide E, Flugsrud G, Madsen JE, Douglass BW, Midtgaard KS. Outcomes and Complications Following Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Distal Humeral Fractures with Precontoured Locking Plates. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.

Pågående studier

  • Clinical Randomized Olecranon Fracture Trial

    • Randomisert kontrollert multisenterstudie som omfatter 10 sykehus

    •  Ferdig inkludert (200 pasienter) i august 2020

  • Operativ vs ikke-operativ behandling av eldre med olecranonfraktur

    • Randomisert kontrollert multisenterstudie

    • Planlagt oppstart i januar 2020

  • Komplikasjoner og sekundær kirurgi etter operativ behandling av olecranonfraktur

    •  Retrospektiv multisenterstudie som omfatter 7 sykehus

    •  Manuskript planlegges innsendt i november 2020

  • Tekniske aspekter ved tensjonsbÃ¥ndsbehandling av olecranonfraktur

    •  Multisenterstudie

    •  Planlegges gjennomført i 2021


PhD: Operative treatment of olecranon fractures

PhD-student: Kaare Sourin Midtgaard, MD

Planned papers:

  • Paper 1: Retrospective analysis of operatively treated olecranon fractures in Norway. An investigation of implant preference, complications and reoperations.

  • Paper 2: Biomechanical comparison of tension band wiring and plate fixation. An analysis of tension band wiring and plate fixation in two-part olecranon fractures in a human cadaveric model.

  • Paper 3: Clinical Randomized Olecranon Fracture Trial (CROFT). A multicenter randomized trial comparing tension band wiring and plate fixation in the treatment of isolated olecranon fractures.

Operasjon for brudd i albuespissen (CROFT-studien)


PhD: Complex elbow injuries

PhD-student: Anne-Mari Rosenlund, MD

Planned papers:

  • Paper 1: Retrospective analysis of distal humerus fractures at the Oslo University Hospital.

  • Paper 2: Retrospective analysis of complex elbow injuries treated at the Oslo University Hospital from 2004 – 2017.

  • Paper 3: Prospective multicenter cohort study with 12 months follow-up of elbow fractures dislocations

Tilgjengelighetserklæring (bokmål):

©2025 by Nasjonalt Kvalitets- og Kompetansenettverk for Albuekirurgi

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